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2013年 第 1 期目录

福建热作科技 第38卷 第1期 [点击查看详情内容 ]

Fujian Rezuo Keji
(季刊  1975年创刊)
2013年3月  第38卷  第1期


目  次

彩叶植物种质资源圃旱害调查初报…………………………………………罗德超  郑  涛  李发林,等(1)
金鸟赫蕉原种与新品种火红鸟赫蕉的SRAP标记试验……………………陆銮眉  彭东辉  林金水,等(5)
香根草对煤矸石山砷富集作用初探…………………………………………廖芳芳  葛  皓  王海霞,等(9)
紫外分光光度法检测蔬菜、水果中多菌灵残留…………………………………………………… 张奇泓(13)
40种切花瓶插试验研究初报……………………………………………… 林智明  卢永春  何雪娇,等(16)
电导率法测定甜椒叶片细胞质膜相对透性的研究……………………… 张天翔  林宗铿  曹明华,等(19)
防治蜜柚红蜘蛛、蚧壳虫的农药田间药效调查与筛选…………………………………………… 黄坤洋(22)
雅拉N3氮肥在茶叶上的肥效试验初报…………………………………………………………… 刘辽源(26)
不同植物生长调节剂对水仙花贮运的影响……………………………… 吴士彬  李许明  刘顺兴,等(29)
龙海市双第华侨农场果园养分状况及科学施肥对策……………………………………吴  涛  王惠珠(35)
东山白芦笋斜纹夜蛾的发生及其无公害防治…………………………… 林秀香  陈振东  卢松茂,等(39)
OT百合种球反季节种植技术…………………………………………………………… 林晓红  陈亚平(41)
油茶芽苗砧嫁接育苗技术…………………………………………………………………徐  辉  王军荣(60)
三角梅盆栽管理技术………………………………………………………………………常双艳  蓝炎阳  陈毅勇,等(63)
红肉蜜柚结果树的栽培管理………………………………………………赖淑华  刘文强  罗益珍,等(65)
创建香蕉现代农业产业技术体系示范基地推动长泰县香蕉产业发展…………………郑元山  薛卫东(71)

期刊基本参数:CN35-1124/S*1975*q*  A4 *72*zh*P*¥6.80* 2000*21*2013-3

Fujian Science & Technology of Tropical Crops
(Quarterly Started in 1975)
Vol.38  No.1  Mar.  2013


A Drought Investigative Report of Colour Plant Germplasm Resources Nursery………… Luo Dechao et al.(1)
SRAP Remark Test Between  Original Variety And New Variety……………………… Lu Luanmei et al.(5)
A Priliminary Study Arsenic Accumulation of Vetiveria Ziazanioides in Coal Gangues…Liao Fangfang et al.(9)
Carbendazim MBC Remains In Vegetables, Fruits Checked By Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry……… Zhang Qihong(13)
A Study Report of Forty Kinds of Cut Flowers’ Vase Test…………………………… Lin Zhiming et al.(16)
A Study of Cytoplasm Membrane Relative Permeability of Sweet Pepper Measured By Electric Conductivity…………………… Zhang Tianxiang et al.(19)
Investigation And Choice of Field Effect To Prevent Pomelo Panonychus Citri Scale Insect……Huang Kunyang(22)
A Fertilizer Test Report of  Yala N3 Nitrogenous Fertilizer For Tea……………………Liu Liaoyuan(26)
Narcisuss Storage,Transport Influenced By Different Plant Growth Conditioner………… Wu Shibin et al.(29)
Fruit Garden Nutrient State And Scientific Fertilizing Countermeasures at Shuangdi Oversea Chinese Farm,Longhai Municipal……Wutao et al.(35)
Appearance And Non-pollute Prevention of Tobacco Caterpillar of Dongshan White Asparagus…………… Lin Xiuxiang et al.(39)
Off-season Planting Technology of Oriental × Trumpet Hybrid Llilium Seed Ball…Lin XiaoHong et al.(41)
Occurence And Prenvention of Contarinia citri Barne……………………………… Lan Guangsheng(44)
Cultural Technology of  Pear Tomato………………………………………………… Hong Haishen(46)
Nongyou 704 Chinese eggplant,Mid-rice High Yield Cultural Technology ……………………Liu Shengli(48)
Planting Performance of  Straw Berry at Zhangpu County and Its High-yield,Quality Cultivation Technology………Chen Binyan(51)
Protection And Management of Adult Prunus salicina Lindl.var.Cordata Y.He et J.Y.Zhang cv. In Winter……Zeng Shanying(53)
High Yield cultivation Fechnology of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro……………………… Lin Huiqing(56)
Cultural Technology of Tomato Covering-grass Without Cultivation…………………………Zeng Yachen(58)
Graft, Seedling Skill of Oiltea Camellia Bud……………………………………………………Xu Hui et al.(60)
Potting Management Technology of Bougainvillea spectabilis……………………… Chan Shuanguan et al.(63)
Cultural Technology of Red Meat Pomelo Fruit Trees…………………………………… Nai Shuhua et al.(65)
Transplanting Technology of Middle, Large Trees In Garden Afforest…………………………Lin Guiquan(68)
To Create Modern Banana Agricultural Industry System, To Promote Changtai County Banana Industry Development…… Zhen Yuanshan et al.(71)